Winners of Austenesque Reviews’ Favorite Reads of 2021, Threads of Magic, and Mages and Mysteries Giveaways!!!

Greetings my lovely friends!

I hope you are enjoying a fun Sunday! We have some ice and cold temps at the moment, and while part of me is chafing to go outside, I am using the time to catch up on blogging and finally get with the 2022 program! 🥶 👩🏻‍💻

Anyways, down to business – there are giveaway winners to announce!! I always have so much fun making my summary, stats, and list of favorites each year. I am so grateful to the authors for sharing these wonderful stories with us. And I am so thankful to all you lovely readers who visit and participate on this blog! 📚

Thank you so much for checking out my Favorite Reads of 2021 and all the lovely support! 💕

Also, a special thank you to the first TWO authors to visit in 2022 – Monica Fairview and Victoria Kincaid. 🙌🏼

Thank you, ladies, for the visits, the fantastic excerpts you shared, and for offering such lovely giveaways! I wish you both the best of luck with your magical new releases –  Threads of Magic and  Mages and Mysteries! 🔮

Without further ado… the randomly selected winners of these lovely prizes are…

Mary Preston ~~~ any book in any available format from the Favorite Reads of 2021 post
Abigail Bok ~~~ any book in any available format from the Favorite Reads of 2021 post
Katie Jackson ~~~ Threads of Magic (ebook)
Ginna ~~~ Threads of Magic (ebook)
Elodie ~~~  Mages and Mysteries (ebook)

Winners, when you see this, please email me the email address or mailing address you’d like your book to be sent to (and the choice of book and format if you won a prize from the Favorite Reads of 2021 post)


Your conversation and participation are always welcome; please feel free to "have your share."