Winners of A Life Worth Choosing and Mr. Darcy’s Persuasion!!!

Happy Sunday, friends! I hope you all are staying well!

I am happy to announce the lucky giveaway winner from Anngela Schroeder’s author visit last month  (something I completely neglected to do! 😮) and the lucky giveaway winners from Cass Grafton’s and Ada Bright’s lovely cover reveal today!

But first, I want say a special thank you to the lovely Anngela Schroeder for visiting Austenesque Reviews and for sharing the intriguing Prologue of her new Pride and Prejudice variationA Life Worth Choosing! I cannot wait to see how this encounter and conversation changes the course of Mr. Darcy’s life 🤔

And a special thank you to Cass Grafton and Ada Bright for sharing their stunning cover reveal for Mr. Darcy’s Persuasion with us! I know I am far from the only one eagerly anticipating this story that brings together such beloved characters! 💗

Dear readers, thank you so much for all your participation and encouraging comments during these authors visits!!! 🙏🏼

Without further ado… the randomly selected winners are

Lois ~ A Life Worth Choosing (ebook)
Rosa ~ Mr. Darcy’s Persuasion (paperback or ebook)*
Dara ~ Mr. Darcy’s Persuasion (paperback or ebook)*
Emily A Smith ~ Mr. Darcy’s Persuasion (paperback or ebook)*

Readers, when you see this, please email me the email address you’d like your book to be sent to!

*Mr. Darcy’s Persuasion prizes will be sent out in mid-March.


Your conversation and participation are always welcome; please feel free to "have your share."