Winners of 11th Blogiversary Giveaway!!!

Time to announce some lucky winners!?!  Woot woot! 🙌🏼

Oh my goodness. I cannot believe the lovely messages and an abundance of kind support so many of you shared on my Blogiversary Post! Thank you so very, very much! ☺️

What a lovely surprise. It means so much to me and I’m so very moved. Thank you to any and all of you who read and visit this blog! I appreciate your time and each thought shared! 🥰😭🥰

Without further ado… the randomly selected winners are…

CaroleinCanada ~~~ Winner’s Choice of Austenesque Reviews Mug
Cassandra B. Leigh ~~~ Winner’s Choice of Austenesque Reviews Mug
Kelly Miller ~~~ Winner’s Choice of Austenesque Reviews Mug
JoEllen ~~~ Winner’s Choice of paperback book from Book Depository (must be a book reviewed on AR)
Karylee Marin ~~~ Winner’s Choice of paperback book from Book Depository (must be a book reviewed on AR)
Maria Da Costa ~~~ Winner’s Choice of paperback book from Book Depository (must be a book reviewed on AR)

Winners, when you see this, email me your choice and the address you’d like your prize to be sent to!


Your conversation and participation are always welcome; please feel free to "have your share."