Winners of Adventure Awaits and Schemes of Felicity!!!

Happy Sunday dear readers! I am excited to announce some lucky giveaway winners today! ✨

I am so grateful to authors Virginia Kohl and Suzan Lauder for stopping by Austenesque Reviews and sharing about their lovely new releases! 📖

Virginia, thank you for visiting and sharing a tempting excerpt about your release – Adventure Awaits! I love that you have written a story about Margaret Dashwood! 🗺

Suzan, thank you so much for for visiting and writing a lovely out-take scene! Schemes of Felicity sounds fantastic. I love that Darcy’s cousins are trying to find him a match! ❤️

Dear readers, thank you so much for all your participation and thoughtful comments during these author features and giveaways! Thank you for all the support and encouragement you give!! 🥰

Without further ado… the randomly selected winners are…

Joy Meetis ~~~ Adventure Awaits (ebook)
Susanne Barrett ~~~ Schemes of Felicity  (ebook)

Winners, when you see this, email me the email address you’d like your book to be sent to!


    1. Thank you so much for the e-book, Suzan!! I am so excited to read it!! And after I finish reading, I post reviews on Goodreads and my blog, which I share to Facebook and Twitter.

      I am in the middle of an out-of-state move, so I’m not sure when I’ll have time to read it as I am also teaching online classes during this transition. But I shall post my review as soon as I can after reading!!

      Many thanks again, Suzan and Meredith!! (I just sent you an email with my email address, Meredith.)

      Susanne 🙂

  1. Congratulations!! You guys are winners… enjoy. Thanks for hosting these fun posts, Meredith [hello to your Mr. Bingley]. Everyone, wear masks, stay safe, and healthy

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