Winners of Her Summer at Pemberley, Persuaded to Sail, and A Timely Elopement!!!

Happy Sunday dear readers! May was a busy month with lovely author visits and I am happy to announce some lucky giveaway winners from the last author visits of the month! ✨

I am so grateful to authors Sallianne Hines, Jack Caldwell, and Joana Starnes for stopping by Austenesque Reviews, sharing about their lovely new releases, and sponsoring generous giveaways! 🎁

Sallianne, thank you for visiting and sharing a tempting excerpt about your debut release – Her Summer at Pemberley! I can’t wait to read it soon! 🐎

Jack, thank you so much for for visiting and informing us all about the unromantic realities of women living onboard Navy ships. I am looking forward to learning more about sea life in Persuaded to Sail! ⚓️

Joana, thank you so much for sharing the beautiful cover design for A Timely Elopement and for continuing the wonderful tradition of allowing us to preview an achingly romantic excerpt!! 💗

Dear readers, thank you so much for all your participation and thoughtful comments during these author features and giveaways! Thank you for all the support and encouragement you give!! 🥰

Without further ado… the randomly selected winners are…

Maria Maderi ~~~ Her Summer at Pemberley! (paperback or ebook)
Eva Edmonds ~~~ Persuaded to Sail (ebook)
Julia Mejia Saenz ~~~ Persuaded to Sail (paperback)
Liz ~~~ A Timely Elopement (Kindle ebook)
Sarah ~~~ A Timely Elopement (Kindle ebook)
Tamara Howard ~~~ A Timely Elopement(Kindle ebook)
Sarah P. ~~~ Audible code for one Joana Starnes audiobook narrated by Stevie Zimmerman
LeslieGB ~~~ Audible code for one Joana Starnes audiobook narrated by Stevie Zimmerman

Winners, when you see this, email me the email address or address you’d like your book to be sent to!


  1. Thank you Thank you Thank you. I am so grateful and happy to be one of the lucky winners. I would love to have the paper back book thank you. Maria Maderi 15 Brandon Rd Brewster NY 1050 God Bless stay safe.9.
    Again thank you and Congratulations to the other winners.

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