Winners of Laura Place!!!

Happy weekend, friends! And Happy Father’s Day to all dads, grandads, and families celebrating!

I am so pleased to see how much love Ann Mychal’s The Watsons Trilogy received! Thank you all who stopped by to read my review of Laura Place, and share such lovely thoughts! I love that so many of you were already familiar with and a fan of the first books in this series – Emma and Elizabeth and Brinshore and that there are those of you who are now interested in seeking them out!

We need to band together and start a petition to get these books turned into a mini-series! I think that would be just brilliant!

Thank you Ann for writing such lovely stories, for offering me the chance to read and review them, and for sponsoring a wonderfully generous giveaway with my review of Laura Place! We hope you continue to write more Austen-Inspired stories!

Without further ado… the randomly selected winners of a paperback copy of Laura Place are … JoEllen, Teresa, and Teresa Broderick!

Ladies, when you see this, email me the mailing address you’d like your book to be sent to!


  1. So thrilled to win this Meredith!!! I loved the first two. Can’t wait to read it. Thank you so much. I love your idea about the mini series!!

  2. Thank you so much Meredith and Ann!. I’m very happy to have won! .
    Congrats to Teresa Broderick and JoEllen!.

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