Winners of Darcy and Deception Giveaway!!!

Hope everyone is enjoying a lovely weekend!  And I hope those of you that lost an hour last night aren’t feeling it too much!

Soooo….this is a very belated giveaway announcement – one I thought I did already. But thanks to a lovely reader who asked about it this week, I realized that…nope, I completely missed choosing and announcing a winner! Gah! I’m so sorry! 😳

I’d like to say thank you to Victoria Kincaid for her wonderful visit to Austenesque Reviews, her intriguing excerpt about Mr. Darcy being acquainted with the Prince Regent, and for sponsoring a lovely giveaway with her post. Having loved The Unforgettable Mr. Darcy, I cannot wait to read this romantic and adventurous tale!

Thank you, readers, for the lovely comments, shared enthusiasm, and support! It is much appreciated!! Since I messed up and forgot to announce the winner for this giveaway, I’m adding one more prize to this giveaway (from me). So instead of choosing 1 winner of Darcy and DeceptionI am choosing 2!!  So sorry again about the mix up!

Without further ado… the randomly selected winners are…

Claire Ferguson ~~~Darcy and Deception (ebook)

Agnes ~~~ Darcy and Deception (ebook)

Winners, when it is convenient, email me the email address you’d like your book to be sent to!


  1. Congratulations, Agnes and Claire. You forgot to choose a winner, Meredith???? I completely missed the first post! Ha ha ha. :/ 😀 😉 I’m going to go read the excerpt now. Love Victoria’s writing.

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