Readers’ Choice Vote + Giveaway!!!

Hi friends!  We are getting very close to the end of 2018…sometimes I feel like this year just started! It sure went at warp speed, didn’t it? 🚀

2019 is just around the corner, and my very first post for the year will be a list.

You know I love making lists! 

This list is special and it is one I make every year!  It is a list of all my favorite books I’ve read for the year.  As you might have seen in years past, I’ve had some fun each year making these lists of ‘favorites’ and having some lovely graphics made that look like pretty awards!



And for the last 2 years I’ve been included a Readers’ Choice Favorite – a write-in vote that helps me recognize some special books that many readers of the genre have enjoyed each year! Last year we had so many write-in votes and the top 4 were so close together, we awarded 4 books the honor of being an Austenesque Reviews Readers’ Choice Favorite. Here are last years’ winners! (DON’T VOTE FOR THESE BOOKS THIS YEAR, they were published in 2017 and already won!!)


I’d like to ask for your help again this year…

Would you please consider voting for your 3 favorite Austenesque books released during 2018?

All you have to do is fill out the form below!

  • You can pick up to 3 favorites (picking 1 is just too impossible, right!)
  • Remember in order for your vote to count the book has to have been released in 2018.
  • If you need help remembering which books came out in 2018, check out these lists!


After voting, leave a comment here telling me that you voted (you don’t have to say what you voted for, the voting is anonymous!) and you will be entered in a drawing to win 1 of the 3 Readers’ Choice Favorites in paperback!  (winner’s choice!)

We won’t know what the options are until the votes are tallied and shared!

  • This giveaway is open internationally.
  • This giveaway ends December 31st.


Thank you so much for your time and help recognizing wonderful Austenesque literature!!


And lest we not forget…today happens to be a very special day!

What are you doing to celebrate?


  1. I’m with Anji. Only 3???I had at least a dozen in the running and was almost forced to pick them from a hat 🙂 (I’m notoriously bad at making decisions 🙂 )

    1. I’m so sorry! Should I try doing it differently next year? Maybe start with 10 and then have a second vote to narrow it down? Will people be okay with voting twice?

      1. 10 would have been better for me as I had at least 13 that I really loved. I would be happy voting numerous times. But please don’t concern yourself Meredith as I know they can’t all be winners and I’m sure that others voted for the ones I couldn’t fit on the form.
        I do love all your lists. Happy Christmas!

      2. I gave this question some thought. I think starting with 10 and then narrowing it down would actually have been harder for me. As hard a decision as it was to choose 3, voting again might be much harder if my faves didn’t make the cut. Maybe 5 total and just one vote? That probably presents just as many issues for people as any number. Argh.

        1. This is good feedback. Thank you both! I think going with 5 might be a good idea for next year. We will see! I think what is difficult is when you feel the equal amount or admiration and praise for several books and it is hard to choose which one(s) to vote for and which ones to leave out. I know I feel that way when I create my own list of favorites. It is hard to break ties no matter how many options you have!

  2. Whew! I voted. That was seriously tough. There were some great reads this year. 🙂 It will be fun to see the results.

    1. It is a great and terrible problem to have so many wonderful Austenesque books published this year! Lol! I always get some great recommendations from these results!

  3. oh my, this is a hard task you gave us Meredith…I don’t know if i can pick my top 3 as there are so many… this might take me days to consider ;)…
    I have to make a list of all theaßm books then go from there… thanks for tjis chance and the chance for a give-away

  4. Voted, I only actually read one Austenesque book published in 2018, but there were quite a few on my tbr/ wishlist!

  5. I’m in. And to parrot many others, it was hard to do three. But almost as hard was realizing I have so many more 2018 releases I want to read, including a few in my TBR already. That makes me feel I’m leaving an important book out, by not having read it yet. it. I’ve read some really great ones lately but they were released before ’18.

    This is still fun though, Meredith, so thank you for doing this. And Happy Birthday Jane.

    1. Thanks so much for voting, Michelle! I appreciate it! I think many of us are in the same boat about not reading all the 2018 releases they want to.

      I’m glad you have been enjoying your reads this year, no matter what year they were published in!

  6. Such a difficult decision, there are so many great books this year… But I stand by my choices, hope they win as they are really good 😀

  7. There were at least another 3 or 4 that were just as good (even if I only counted the very best) so I feel a litte uneasy as I filled out the form gioing backwards using your monthly lists and then could n’t decide to cross one out that I had entered already – but I hope they get mentioned by others. If only it had been the best 5…

    1. I’m so sorry to hear you are having trouble voting. Cant you message me what it is saying when you try to vote that isn’t working? I’d be happy to try and trouble shoot!

  8. I checked my Kindle and found it easier than I thought it would be to find three great books this year. I had been reading older books for the most part, and worried that I wouldn’t know three names to enter. But I read some really good new ones, too. Voted!

    1. That’s great that you enjoyed some new and older reads this year. I think for the first 3 months of the year all my reading was 2017 or earlier! Always playing catch up!!

      Thanks for voting!

  9. I voted! There are so many great books that were published this year. I am so excited to see what books won. Thanks so much for doing this – I love this site and really appreciate all you do!

  10. After going through your lists of monthly releases, I realise how woefully behind I am in reading this year’s JAFF. Of the ten or so 2018 titles I’ve finished to date, four were outstanding. My three favourites got the vote, but I felt bad about cutting the fourth.
    I look forward to learning the results in your first post of 2019. In the meantime… Happy holidays, Meredith, to you and yours and to all your readers!

    1. Thank you, Joanne! I’m so grateful for your kind friendship and lovely contributions to this genre! I’m pretty far behind on 2018 reads too! We need more hours in the day!

      Hope you enjoy the loveliest of holidays, my friend!

  11. This is so difficult. Not only do I love so many books but I also love the authors and hate to have to chose between them. But I will go back and look at my list and will also attempt to make sure they are 2018 published books.

  12. I have just voted Meredith and I have to say that Nowhere But North was one my favorites this year, but because it’s not Austenesque I did not include it, but I think it deserves to be mentioned 🙂
    Thank you for doing this again this year, I really love this feature 🙂

    1. Thank you so much for sharing, I’ve heard so many good things about Nowhere But North, but I feel like I should read North and South first before trying other novels. And sadly, another year has gone by that I did not fit that in!

      I so appreciate you voting! I’m really glad to hear you enjoy the feature! It has been a lot of fun to do!

      1. MEREDITH!! oh oh oh OH…… Tell ya what. Watch N&S on Netflix….and experience you will want to repeat often. Then get a move on, Woman….and start reading Nicole Clarkston’s N&S variations. I so badly wanted to include ‘Nowhere But North’ in my vote this year. (That would’ve made the picking three books even more tortuous.) 🙁 please, oh please read some this coming year. I wish I could reach through the ethernet and bow over Nicole’s hand, and then curtsy, yes, with my 65 yr. old knees snap, crackling, and popping.

        1. LOL! I own the DVD for N&S and have watched it many times, I just still think I should read it too before reading variations and sequels though! Is that weird? Nicole’s books do seem lovely though! I can’t wait to read more of them!

          1. No, no. Not silly at all Meredith. I just wanted you to get to Nicole’s books soonest. Confession: (shame face) I have not read it yet myself. Maybe consider having it on a monthly agenda some time this year. Okay. It has to go to the top of my 2019 book challenge. <3

  13. It was difficult to narrow it down since I have read about 250 books in 2018 with 90% of them P & P variations. I will look forward to seeing the list when it is published to see if my favorites made it. I also can see if I missed reading any gems from this year!

    1. That is amazing, Susan!! Wow! If anyone could keep up with Austenesque authors – it might be you, my friend!! 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!

  14. What a fun idea to have readers choose their favorites. I enjoyed looking back at the ones I’ve read and remembering what made them special. So many great books and I could only choose three to vote for. Thank you for doing this.

    1. I love to look back, analyze, and reflect! It is one of my favorite things about the end of the year/beginning of the year time period! Thanks so much for taking part!

  15. It’s overwhelming the number of very good books that appear on these lists. Their authors do the genre proud. Unfortunately, I had difficulty even finding some of the monthly lists and had to select from the few months I did find. However, all my selections deserved to be winners; I just didn’t know how many others I would have felt deserved the honor.

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