Winners of Georgiana Darcy: A Sequel to Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice!!!

Hope everyone is enjoying a lovely weekend! We are currently in mountains!!!

I wanted to say a quick thank you to Alice Isakova for her lovely visit to my blog to celebrate her release of Georgiana Darcy: A Sequel to Jane Austen’s Pride and PrejudiceGeorgiana Darcy for the win!!! I so enjoyed reading this scene with Georgiana and I cannot wait to see more! Thank you, Alice, for providing a generous giveaway for the readers of my blog!

Thank you to all the lovely readers who stopped by to read Alice’s post! I’m so glad to hear that many of you are interested in reading Georgiana Darcy: A Sequel to Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice!!

Without further ado… the randomly selected winners of an ebook edition of Georgiana Darcy: A Sequel to Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice are… Charlotte, Mary Campbell, Silvia, Jo’s Daughter, Amanda Mauldin!!

Ladies, when it is convenient, email me which email address you’d like your prize sent to.


  1. I’m with Sheila, I’ll be reading this one soon too. Congrats ladies. Thanks again to the author. And thanks to Meredith, as always 🙂

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