Winners of A Contrary Wind, A Marriage of Attachment, The Unforgettable Mr. Darcy, and Etsy Gift Card Giveaway!!!

Hope everyone is enjoying a lovely weekend!  I’m so excited to announce several giveaway winners in this post!

First I want to thank the lovely authors who so kindly visited my blog this past month, Lona Manning, Karen M. Cox, and Victoria Kincaid. It was a pleasure to host you all on my blog, I am always happy to celebrate your new releases! What a magnificent trio – A Marriage of Attachment , Son of a Preacher Man, and The Unforgettable Mr. Darcy – got a fantastic line-up for your TBR right there!!

Thank you, authors, for not only visiting Austenesque Reviews, but for sponsoring some wonderful giveaways for during your visits!

Thank you, readers, for the lovely comments, shared enthusiasm, and support! It is much appreciated!!

Without further ado… the randomly selected winners are… 

Anngela Schroder ~~~ A Contrary Wind (ebook)

Patricia Finnegan ~~~ A Marriage of Attachment (ebook)

Michelle J. ~~~  $10 Etsy Gift Card

Florence I Solowianiuk ~~~ The Unforgettable Mr. Darcy (ebook or paperback)

Paige B. ~~~ Mr. Darcy to the Rescue (audiobook)

Winners, when it is convenient, email me the email address/address you’d like your book to be sent to!


Your conversation and participation are always welcome; please feel free to "have your share."