Winners of the Holidays with Jane Giveaways!!!

Hope everyone is enjoying a lovely weekend!  We are in the mountains right now exploring!! But I wanted to set up this announcement post to let you all know who one the giveaways from our Holidays with Jane Group Interview!

First I want to thank the wonderful ladies of Indie Jane Press for not only writing 6 amazing anthologies with clever updates of Jane Austen’s characters, but for giving me the opportunity to chat with them in this unique and special group interview!

In addition, thank you all to all the lovely readers that read our interview together (I know it was a long one!) and shared your thoughts and favorite holidays/seasons with us! We’ve enjoyed reading all the comments!

Without further ado… the randomly selected winners are…

Virginia Kohl ~~~ Holidays with Jane: Christmas Cheer (ebook)

Tamara Howard ~~~ Holidays with Jane: Spring Fever (ebook)

Dena@shaldenandneatham ~~~ Holidays with Jane: Trick or Sweet (ebook)

Maria Lima ~~~ Holidays with Jane: Summer of Love (ebook)

Pam H. ~~~ Holidays with Jane: Thankful Hearts (ebook)

Denise R. Johnson ~~~  Holidays with Jane: Will You Be Mine? (ebook)

Teresa ~~~ Winner’s choice (paperback)

Winners, when it is convenient, email me the email address/address you’d like your book to be sent to!


  1. I’m so happy for winning a book!!! Thanks, Meredith and the ladies of Indie Press for the giveaways! 🙂

  2. Congratulations to the winners… I have all the books and really enjoyed them. Have fun reading through the seasons.

    P.S. Enjoy exploring in the mountains Meredith and say hello to Mr. Bingley for me.

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