Winners of Holidays with Jane: Summer of Love and Modern Persuasion


Hi everyone!  I’m so happy to announce some very lucky winners today!

I’m so thankful to the ladies of Indie Jane Press who so kindly offered me the opportunity to read and review Holidays with Jane: Summer of Love and sponsored a wonderful giveaway to go with my post!  Everyone should know by now how much I adore this sensational series!!  If not, read about it here, here, here…and HERE! 😉

Also I’d like to a thank you to Sara Marks for her lovely visit to Austenesque Reviews!  It was so much fun to talk about Anne Elliot!  She is one of my favorite introverts, and I cannot wait to read Sara’s new release, Modern Persuasion!

And a big thank you to everyone who stopped by and read and comment on all these posts!  You are so supportive of these authors and I’m so happy that I can share these posts with you!

Without further ado… the randomly selected winners are…

Carol ~~~Holidays with Jane: Summer of Love (paperback)

Jo’s Daughter ~~~ Modern Persuasion (ebook)


Winners, when it is convenient, email me the email address/address you’d like your book to be sent to!


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