Winners of Lory Lilian Winner’s Choice and ARC Giveaways!!!


It is time to announce some lucky winners!!

I would like to thank the lovely Lory Lilian for her wonderful visit to Austenesque Reviews and for sharing an enticing (and startling!) excerpt from her new release, A Man With Faults!  I can’t wait to read it and see what happens next!  Thanks you, Lory, for sponsoring a generous giveaway with this post as well!

In addition, thank you all for the wonderful response to the recent ARC giveaway contest! I have greatly enjoyed doing these giveaways every quarter! Thank you so much for supporting what I do on my blog and for supporting authors who write these wonderful books!

A special thank you to Jean and Reina for contributing many of the lovely books featured in this giveaway!  I’m so happy these ladies wanted these books to find new homes!  Thank you so much for your generosity!

Without further ado…the randomly selected winners are…

Priscilla Teh ~~~ Lory Lilian Winner’s Choice (ebook)

Ginna ~~~ Lory Lilian Winner’s Choice (ebook)

Amy ~~~Persuasion, Captain Wentworth, and Crackin’ Cornbread by Mary Jane Hathaway

Talia ~~~ Tea with Jane Austen by Kim Wilson

Sophia Rose ~~~ When They Fall in Love by Mary Simonsen

Kim P. ~~~ Deception by Ola Wegner

Eva Edmonds ~~~ Sense and Sensibility soundtrack

Robin Ramirez ~~~ Only Mr. Darcy Will Do by Kara Louise

Anna ~~~ To Have His Cake by P. O. Dixon

Theresa J. S. ~~~ Winner’s Choice Ebook


Winners, when it is convenient, email me the address/email address you’d like your book to be sent to!


  1. Wow!!! What a group of winners… most excellent. Congratulations guys, y’all racked it up. Enjoy!!!

  2. Wow, glad to see my name up there beside a book by a favorite author and thanks to Meredith, Jean and Reina for that.

    Happy Reading to the other winners.

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