Winners of Austenesque ARC Giveaway!!!


It is time to announce some lucky winners!!

Thank you all for the wonderful response to this giveaway contest!  I have greatly enjoyed doing these giveaways every quarter!  And I am always overwhelmed by feelings of gratitude and appreciation when I do them.  Thank you so much for supporting what I do on my blog and for supporting authors who write these wonderful books!

A special thank you to Jean and Reina for contributing many of the lovely books featured in this giveaway!  I’m so happy these ladies wanted these books to find new homes!  Thank you so much for your generosity!

Without further ado…the randomly selected winners are…

Schilds ~~~ Pemberley: Or Pride and Prejudice Continued – Emma Tennant

Chelsea ~~~ The Truth About Mr. Darcy – Susan Adriani

Denise Holcomb ~~~ The Jane Austen Book Club – Karen Joy Fowler

Leah Pruett ~~~ Emma and Knightley – Rachel Billington 

Amanda Frank ~~~ Darcy’s Passion – Regina Jeffers

Becky C ~~~ Darcy and the Duchess – Mary Ann Mushatt

Charlotte ~~~ Winner’s Choice Ebook!


Winners, when it is convenient, email me the address you’d like your book to be sent to!


  1. Congratulations to the winners! And many thanks to you, Meredith, for your wonderful blog and generously finding new homes for the books! Happy reading!

    1. You are so sweet, Reina! Thank you so much for YOUR generosity and for helping me continue these lovely giveaways!

  2. You do a fantastic job here with your blog of creating just the right atmosphere that makes folks get cozy with Austen themed books and chat, Meredith. Glad you feel the reciprocal love. 🙂

    Hey hey, enjoy your wins, ladies!

    1. Thank you, Sophia! That is so kind of you to say! It is truly such a rewarding experience running this blog! I’m so thankful for the opportunity and the outlet. 🙂

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