Winner of Holidays with Jane: Trick or Sweet!!!


A very big thank you to Jessica Grey for her lovely visit to Austenesque Reviews last month!  I loved hearing more about the delectable beverages and fun events at Mansfield Perk!  I could so go for a Universal Truth this morning! And I am so happy to have had the opportunity to read and review Holidays with Jane: Trick or Sweet and offer a special giveaway of it on my blog!

I’d also like thank you to all of you who stopped by to read Jessica’s post, my review of Holidays with Jane: Trick or Sweet, and shared your excitement and interest in this lovely series!!!  

**If you are a Holidays with Jane fan (like me!), come back November 18th to visit with Jennifer Becton and learn more about Holidays with Jane: Thankful Hearts, the newest book int the Holidays with Jane series!

Without further ado… the randomly selected winner of Holidays with Jane: Trick or Sweet (paperback) is…Teresa!!!


Teresa, when it is convenient, please email me the address you’d like your book to be sent to!




  1. Thank you so much for this “magic” book!. I feel so happy 🙂
    I think I’ m going to have a “Pemberley whip” to celebrate the prize!

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