Winner of Sway!!!


A very big thank you to Melanie Stanford for her lovely visit to Austenesque Reviews last week!  I greatly enjoyed learning more about your decision to write in the world of music and musicians and I’m so happy I had the opportunity to read and review your wonderful new release and offer a special giveaway of Sway to my readers!

I’d also like thank you to all of you who stopped by to read Melanie’s guest post, my review of Sway, and share your excitement and interest in this lovely new release!!!  

Without further ado… the randomly selected winner of Sway (ebook) is…Suzan!!!


Suzan, when it is convenient, please email me the email address you’d like your book to be sent to!


  1. Seriously me?! I’m so excited and astounded. Thank you very much for this opportunity to both Melanie and Meredith.

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