Winners of the Villa Fortuna Giveaways!


A VERY big thank you to Cat Gardiner for paying such a lovely visit to Austenesque Reviews!  I loved your thoughtful piece on home and how at different periods of their lives people may decide to run away or return to home.

I cannot wait to read Villa Fortuna and see what happens with Lizzy after she returns to New York!  Thank you, Cat for sponsoring such generous giveaways; I am happy to share the opportunity to win these lovely prizes with my readers!

Thank you to all of you who stopped by to read Cat’s post and shared your thoughts!  You all are an awesome bunch! 😉

Without further ado…the randomly selected winners are…


Davida ~~~ Villa Fortuna paperback and Italian restaurant treats

Arelys ~~~ Villa Fortuna ebook


Winners, when you get a chance, email address/address you’d like your prize sent to!


  1. Congratulations Davida & Arelys!! Thank you so much for visiting and commenting! Thank Meredith! I had so much fun!

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