Winners of Colonel Fitzwilliam and the Countess of Sainte Toulours Giveaway!!!


A VERY big thank you to Stanley Hurd for asking me to review his latest book, Colonel Fitzwilliam and the Countess of Sainte Toulours and for so generously wanting to sponsor an additional giveaway in conjunction with my review!  It was such a wonderful experience to once again read your thoughtful prose and see another Jane Austen character in detail from your perspective.

Thank you to all of you who stopped by to read my review of Colonel Fitzwilliam and the Countess of Sainte Toulours!  Both Stanley and I appreciate hearing your thoughts and opinions!

Without further ado…the randomly selected winners of Stanley Hurd’s new release, Colonel Fitzwilliam and the Countess of Sainte Toulours are…NovellaandBanannabelle and Carole in Canada!!!

UPDATE:  Carole already owns a copy of this book so the new winner is…LadySusanpdx


Winners, when it is convenient, email me the email address you’d like your Kindle ebook to be sent to!


  1. Good Morning! Thank you so much Meredith and Mr. Hurd however, I already own the e-book so please offer it up to another to enjoy as much as I did!

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