Winners of Mr. Darcy to the Rescue and Longbourn’s Songbird!!!


A VERY big thank you to Victoria Kincaid and the lovely people at Meryton Press for sponsoring such lovely giveaways here recently!!  I thoroughly enjoyed reading Mr. Darcy to the Rescue and I’m very excited about reading Beau North’s Longbourn’s Songbird in the near future! Thank you to these authors for sharing their talents and making these giveaways possible!

Thank you to all of you who stopped by to read my review Mr. Darcy to the Rescue and Beau’s post on writing her first novel by hand.  Victoria, Beau, and I greatly appreciate your participation and enjoyed hearing what you have to say!  🙂 

Without further ado…the randomly selected winners are…

Theresa M. ~~~ Mr. Darcy to the Rescue (paperback or ebook)

Debbie ~~~ Longbourn’s Songbird (paperback)


Winners, when you get a chance, email me the email address/address you’d like your prize sent to!


  1. Thanks for the giveaway Meredith and Beau! This definitely made my day! I am super excited to start reading Longbourn’s Songbird and can’t wait till it gets here. Thanks thanks thanks!

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