Winners of The Unthinkable Triangle, Brinshore, and First Impressions!!!


Woot woot! We have had a lot of giveaways here recently!!!  Thank you to the generous authors and publishers who have made this possible!  I’m so excited to announce the winners for three fabulous giveaways!!!  😀

But before I do, I’d like to say a big thank you to Joana Starnes and Ann Mychal for their lovely visits, wonderful posts, enticing excerpts – (check Joana’s heartrending scene here, and meet Ann’s delightfully humorous characters here), and giveaway opportunities!  Ladies, it was such a pleasure to work with you – thank you so much for all your kindness and generosity to me and my readers!

Speaking of…thank you dear readers, for your comments, participation, and lovely support!  You are all awesome!

And lastly, I’d like to thank the awesome people at Penguin Books for allowing me to host a giveaway for their newly published paperback version of First Impressions!

Without further ado…the randomly selected winners are…

Jennifer Redlarczyk ~~~ The Unthinkable Triangle ebook

Pam Hunter ~~~ The Unthinkable Triangle ebook

Sheila L.M. ~~~ Brinshore paperback or kindle

Teresa (Broderick) ~~~ Brinshore paperback or kindle

Carol Perrin ~~~ Brinshore paperback or kindle

Sarah Jordan ~~~ The Watson Novels paperback or kindle

Betsy ~~~ The Watson Novels paperback or kindle

Tgruy ~~~ The Watson Novels paperback or kindle

Lara ~~~ First Impressions paperback

Winners, please make sure you email me your address/email address so we can send your prizes out to you!


  1. I can’t believe I won one of the books!!!!!! I never win anything. I’m so thrilled. Thank you so much.

  2. My stalking Joana paid off! Yay! I’m so thrilled to have won a copy of “The Unthinkable Triangle”. Thank you all so very much!

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