Winners of A Peculiar Connection and Mister Darcy’s Dogs!!!


A VERY big thank you to authors Jan Hahn and Barbara Silkstone for making such lovely visits to Austenesque Reviews recently!  It was a thrill and a pleasure to work with both of you!  I greatly enjoyed my time reading both of your novels and I wish you all the success in the world with your new and future releases!

Also, thank you again to Barbara Silkstone and the kind people at Meryton Press for sponsoring some lovely giveaways for my readers!

Thank you to all of you who stopped by to read Jan’s gripping excerpt and Barbara’s laugh-out-loud excerpt and share your thoughts!  I know the authors greatly appreciate your support and conversation!

Without further ado…the randomly selected winners are…

Teresa ~~~ A Peculiar Connection (paperback)

Shannon ~~~ Mister Darcy’s Dogs (paperback)

Tamara H ~~~ Mister Darcy’s Dogs (audiobook)

Luthien84 ~~~ Mister Darcy’s Dogs (ebook)


Winners, when you get a chance, email address/address you’d like your prize sent to!


  1. Congrats to the winners! I loved Jan Hahn’s ‘A Peculiar Connection,’ hope you enjoy it as much as I did. (Have the box of tissues ready.)

    1. Hi, Michelle, I´ve won “A peculiar Connection” and I´m glad you enjoyed the novel. Thanks for the suggestion of the box of tissues… maybe this novel is not the kind of book to read in public transport LOL…

  2. Congratulations to Teresa, Shannon, Tamara, and Luthien! And many thanks to you, Meredith, for your kind comments about A Peculiar Connection. I always enjoy visiting Austenesque!

    1. Thank you, Jan (and the people of Meryton Press) for the giveaway. I´m really excited for have won “A peculiar connection” and I´m looking forward to seeing what will happen to Darcy and Elizabeth in this alternative path. Congrats to the others winners and a big hug to all the readers and of course, to Meredith.

  3. Congratulations to all the winners. Shannon, you most welcome. I hope you enjoy Mister Darcy’s Dogs. 🙂

  4. I couldn’t be more pleased for the winners. They are all in for a treat. Just a note for the Barbara Silkstone winners: You will need tissues as well. I laughed so hard the tears poured down my cheeks.

  5. Thank you Barbara and Meredith! This was an unexpected surprise literally! Congratulations to everyone else that won! I hope you enjoy your reading!

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