Winners of Austenesque ARC Giveaway!!!

Giveaway Winners

It is time to announce some luck winners!! Thank you to all of you who are willing to give these lovely ARCs a new home!  I promise I’ll mail them out to you as soon as I find where I packed them! (Just moved over the weekend!) 😉

Thank you to all of you who commented and commiserated with me over leaving the beautiful built-in bookcase at our last home!  I appreciate all the kinds words, you all are the best!  It was sad to to pack my books away, but I am very much looking forward to the day I can put them on display in a built-in bookcase that is my very own!

Without further ado…the randomly selected winners are…

Sophia Rose ~~~ Austensibly Ordinary

Carmen ~~~ Compulsively Mr. Darcy

Kim P. ~~~ Fitzwilliam Darcy Rock Star

Michelle H. ~~~ Mr. Darcy’s Undoing

Ana MR ~~~ The Bad Miss Bennet



Winners, when it is convenient, please email me your addresses!  (Merry816[AT]


  1. Congratulations to all the winners! I share your dream of a built in bookcase, some day, to house all my books.

  2. Congrats to everyone.

    When you eventually get your very own built-in bookcase, or possibly book nook, Meredith, we expect to see photos!

  3. Moving is just a potential for something better- or at least that’s what I told myself each time I packed and unpacked. 😉

    So glad to win one of your books. Congrats to the other winners!

  4. Thank you very much Meredith! I’m so excited!! Best wishes again for your new house 🙂
    Congratulations to the others winners!!

  5. This is exactly what Jane Austen readers want – more books. Congratulations to the winners. Best wishes for filling the new shelves in your new house with your favorite reads, Meredith.

  6. Hi Meredith! My book arrived! What a beautiful surprise to find coming back home after a week of study and work! And your bookmark is so nice! Thanks for adding it, you are very kind!

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