Winners of the Lizzy and Jane, Mr. Darcy’s Challenge, and Foundation of Love Giveaways!!!

Giveaway Winners

Wow, we have had a lot of giveaways here recently!!!  Thank you to the generous authors and publishers who have made this possible!  I’m so excited to announce the winners for not one, not two, but three fabulous giveaways!!!  Woot woot!!

But before I do, I’d like to say a big thank you to Monica Fairview and Wendi Sotis for their lovely visits, wonderful posts, and review opportunities!  Monica and Wendi, it was such a pleasure to work with you – thank you so much for all your kindness and generosity to me and my readers!  Also, thank you to HarperCollins for asking me review Lizzy and Jane and for sponsoring a lovely giveaway for my readers!

Speaking of…thank you, dear readers, for your comments, participation, and lovely support!  You are all awesome!

Without further ado…the randomly selected winners are…

Felicia ~~~ Lizzy and Jane paperback

Anna Horner ~~~ Lizzy and Jane paperback

Luthien84 ~~~ Mr. Darcy’s Challenge ebook

Lindsay M ~~~ Mr. Darcy’s Challenge ebook

Shannon ~~~ Foundation of Love paperback

Ana Morgan ~~~ Foundation of Love ebook

Winners please email me your addresses/email addresses so I can pass them on to the senders!  (Merry816[AT]


  1. Congratulations to all the winners! Thank you, Austenesque Reviews, for the giveaways, reviews, and author visits!

  2. Congrats to all the winners!! Meredith, thank YOU for bringing us continually wonderful content that draws us in every day to spend some time with you. That’s a lot of work I’m sure and I appreciate it!

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