Winners of the Darcy’s Tale Giveaways!!

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A big, big thank you to Stanley Hurd for once again coming to visit Austenesque Reviews!  It was such a pleasure to ask you more of my questions, Stan, and thank you for offering a spectacular giveaway in conjunction with our interview!  I greatly enjoyed reading and reviewing all three books in the Darcy’s Tale series and greatly look forward to your next project!

Thank you to all of you who stopped by to read my review and shared your thoughts and kind words 😉  I’m so happy to hear how many of you are interested in reading this series.  And for those of you who have already read some of Stanley’s work, I so thrilled you think it deserving of praise!

Without further ado… the randomly selected winners of Stanley Hurd’s Darcy’s Tale, Volume I: Into Hertfordshire are…

Laura Hartness



and the winner of Darcy’s Tale: Deluxe Edition (ARC) is

Debbie Fortin

Winners, as soon as you can, email me your addresses (Merry816[AT] so I can mail out your prizes!


  1. Oh, my! Thank you so much!! 🙂 I am really excited to read this! I love Darcy’s POV, and Meredith’s review made me really want to read it! Thanks again!! 🙂

  2. Congratulations to the winners! I read them all and loved them so I know you will enjoy them. Merry Christmas.

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