Winners of Sincerely Yours!!!

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I’d like to extend a big thank you to Robin Helm for sending me a review copy of her new release, Sincerely Yours!  This series of two Darcys is such a unique and creative concept, I was so thrilled to see what happens next with these characters.  I also am most delighted to have had the opportunity to host a double giveaway of Sincerely Yours for my readers!  Thanks again, Robin!

Thank you to all of you who stopped by to read my review!!! I hope you all get a chance of reading Sincerely Yours for yourself!

Without further ado… the randomly selected winners that get to choose one novel from Robin Helms’ Sincerely Yours are…  Schilds (paperback) and Brenda (ebook)!!!

Ladies, when it is convenient, please email your mailing address or email address to Merry816[at]!!


  1. I just got the first two in this series in the mail today. Yippee Skippy for me! Now, I want #3. Congrats to the winners. Enjoy!!!

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