How to Use Austenesque Reviews!


Hi lovely readers of Austenesque Reviews!

I thought I’d make a post to explain all the things you can find here on Austenesque Reviews!

If you are new to this blog and aren’t sure how to navigate around and see older posts, this guide will explain that for you.  Also, if you wanted to know how to use the features of this site you can find that here as well. 🙂

Let’s start with the main feature of this blog…


If you want to see all the reviews I’ve written on this blog, go to the tab at the top.

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I recently installed a plug-in (called The Ultimate Book Blogger Plug-in) that automatically sorts my reviews (oh how I love being organized!)  You can now search my reviews:

This also allows you to look for specific types of reviews very easily.  In the mood for some Northanger Abbey?  Go to Reviews by Jane Austen Novel.

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Or maybe you want to know what Modern Adaptations I’ve read and reviewed.  Go to Reviews by Sub-Genre.

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You get the idea…

This amazing plug-in also came with a Sortable Index feature which I just love to play with!  Here you will see a list of all 304 reviews I currently have published at once.  You can change how the lists are ordered and even search for specific author names and series. It’s super fun, try it out!

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Now onto one of my favorite features…


There are several collections of lists I periodically add to.  The first and biggest collection of lists is my Comprehensive Guide to Austenesque Novels.

I started making these lists the very first month I started blogging, back in 2009.  I love having an organized way to look at all the Austenesque novels published.  The lists help me remember what is published and what I have or have not read. 🙂

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The lists are organized by either novel or sub-genre.  The books linked in the lists are ones I have read and reviewed and clicking on the links will take you to the review.  The colorful letters you see next to each title indicate some more information about what type of book it is and using the key at the bottom of the page will clue you in about what the letters stand for.

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I’ve also started another list series recently called Austenesque Top Ten.  It is where I try to list my ten most favorite reads in a given category or specification.

I’ve only made three so far:

But I look forward to making loads more!  🙂


other features

  • BLOG ROLL:located on the bottom of the page
    • Visit some of my favorite Austenesque/Book Review Blogs
  • CONNECT THROUGH SOCIAL MEDIA:located on the top of the right sidebar
    • I’m on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Goodreads, and Pinterest and I’m always happy to connect with you lovely readers!  With some JAFF friends I’m part of a Facebook group called Mr. Darcy’s Extensive Readers – isn’t that fun thing to call ourselves?!?
  • SPECIAL/NON-REVIEW POSTS:  click links to see posts
    • I don’t just do reviews and author features!!  Here are some Austenesque posts that you will find periodically and annually!


Hopefully you found this guide helpful!!

If you have any questions still, please feel free to ask them here!


  1. You are so creative…and smart…and helpful, etc. I am overwhelmed at how organized you are. I have never read your policies and think I need to do so. Oh, for some of your energy. Just know that you are admired and appreciated. Thank you for all you do.

    1. You are so sweet, Sheila! Thank you for all these kind words – totally made my day. 🙂 I love to be organized…I can’t function if things feel disordered and confusing.

    1. LOL! Definitely not qualified for that! Everything I’ve learned is from asking google and being directed to some great bloggers who share How-To’s and there know-how. Thank you for the lovely words!

  2. A job well done, Meredith. I really love your blog and started following you since before my blogging days. I look up to you as a standard that I should follow and I hope you don’t mind me taking some tips from you. Thanks for featuring my blog on favourite blogs you visit. I’m off to catch up on your previous posts.

  3. Meredith you are an inspiration to us all! The passion and excitement you convey for all things Jane Austen is amazing. I love how your mind works and how organized you are. Like others, I am so glad I found you and and your blog. Keep up the great work! Is there a list for all the Jane Austen related movies on DVD? Thank you!

    1. Thank you, Carole! I’m glad you don’t mind my obsessive need to organize everything with lists and categories! 🙂 That is a good idea about the DVD’s – I’ve never reviewed DVD’s here before either – except for Bronte Country and Austen Country. 🙂

  4. Thank so much for the details. It’s very helpful and complete! Congrats for your beautiful and interesting blog! 🙂

  5. Hi Meredith, I wish I had the time to blog like you. Probably have to wait till I retire!

    In the meantime, i shall keep reading yours and your wonderful reviews. As I’ve said elsewhere, your various lists have become my TBR/Wish lists and I’m now going off to investigate the features you’ve highlighted that I hadn’t come across.

    Please do keep up the good work!

  6. Amazing, Meredith! 😀 I love this post! You are so thorough! I adore the Sortable Index! 😀 😀 Your blog is my favourite. One of the first blogs I found and always the first to check to have great recommendations!! Thank you!

    1. Thank you, Maria! The sortable index is definitely one of my favorite features! I’m so grateful to Ashley from Nose Graze for creating such an awesome plug-in. Thank you for reading my blog, sweet friend!

  7. Meredith, once again I’m reminded why I love your blog so much!! Your organization of information is totally awesome! It’s so helpful; plus your excellent reviews, author interviews, and lists! Thank you for all the work you do for your readers!!

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