Winners of The Persuasion of Miss Jane Austen!!!

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I’d like to thank author Shannon Winslow for her lovely visit to  Austenesque Reviews and for sharing an interesting post about combining fact and fiction with Jane Austen’s life!  I loved being able to know what was truth and what was imagined.  Also, thank you, Shannon for offering me the chance to review The Persuasion of Miss Jane Austen – I think you know how much I loved it! – and for letting me host this wonderful 3 book giveaway!

Thank you, readers, for stopping by, reading these posts, and sharing your thoughts!  I greatly appreciate all the kind words and support you give to the guests on my blog!

Without further ado…the randomly selected winners are…

Becky B (paperback)

Sheila L. M. (ebook)

Suzan Lauder (ebook)


Ladies, when it is convenient, email me an address/email address you’d like your book to be sent to! (merry816 [at]


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