Winners of The Companion of His Future Life and The Three Colonels!!!

I’d like to thank author Jack Caldwell for stopping by Austenesque Reviews and chatting it up with me last week!!  It was a pleasure to learn more about Jack, his novels, and his thoughts about Jane Austen’s characters!

Thank you, readers, for stopping by and reading  and sharing your thoughts!  I also appreciate those of you who took the time to read my reviews of Mr. Darcy Came to Dinner and The Companion of His Future Life!  I greatly enjoyed sharing my thoughts with you on these two lovely variations.

Without further ado…the randomly selected winners are… Becky B (The Companion of His Future Life) and Kristia (The Three Colonels)!!!

Winners, when it is convenient, please email me your address and I’ll ship your books to you when I return from England!  (Merry816[AT]


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