Celebrating Georgette Heyer @ Austenprose.com

Laurel Ann Nattress is hosting yet another specatacular event on her blog, Austenprose.  Join her this August as she hosts a month long celebration of Georgette Heyer!

Event Description:

Stylish, witty and historically accurate, novelist Georgette Heyer has been delighting readers with her romantic comedies for eighty-nine years. In honor of her birthday on August 16th (coincidently it is the same as mine!), Austenprose.com will feature a month long event ‘Celebrating Georgette Heyer’ featuring thirty-four book reviews of her romance novels, guest blogs, interviews of Heyer enthusiast from the blog-o-sphere, academia and publishing and tons of great giveaways.

Our very special guests will be Heyer expert Vic Sanborn of Jane Austen’s World and Deb Werksman, acquiring editor of Sourcebook Casablanca and the catalyst in re-introducing Heyer to a new generation of readers.

 Thirty fellow Heyer enthusiasts (including yours truly!) will be joining in the festivities graciously contributing book reviews of all her romance novels.

I am thrilled to be joining many of my blogger buddies in this celebration, some of which may be familiar to you:

– Jane Greensmith – Reading, Writing, Working, Playing
– Laura Gerold – Laura’s Reviews
– Katherine Cox – November’s Autumn
– Alexa Adams – First Impressions

Hope to see you there!


  1. I can’t wait to read all your reviews! I’ve got some Heyer’s on my list, too. Her novels are perfect summer reads. First in my Heyer’s TBR list, The Convenient Marriage. 🙂

  2. Looking forward to reading your review of Devil’s Cub–I haven’t read that one yet, though it’s been recommended. Should be a fun month, blogwise!

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