The Importance of Being Emma – Juliet Archer

The Importance of Being Emma – Juliet Archer

An Originative and Decadent Reinvention of a Jane Austen’s Emma Rating: 5 out of 5 stars Source: Purchased Mark Knightley, after working in Mumbai, India for eight years, returns to Highbury to discover that his sister-in-law, Emma Woodhouse, has grown up. […]

Jane Eyre – Charlotte Bronte

Jane Eyre – Charlotte Bronte

An Emotional and Passionate Masterpiece Rating: 5 out of 5 stars Source: Purchased When rereading one of your favorite novels it is a little like returning home. You feel a sense of security, contentment, familiarity, and perhaps, nostalgia. You recall past […]

Emma – Jane Austen

Emma – Jane Austen

Blunders and Blindness Rating: 5 out of 5 stars Source: Purchased In the quiet and picturesque village of Highbury there lived a self-professed matchmaker of little experience and expertise yet she believed herself to be in possession of superior observational […]