In honor of Pride and Prejudice‘s 200th anniversary, my dear mother and I decided to celebrate in style with our first ever Elegant Tea Party! This momentous occasion is one that does not come around often, so I wanted to do […]
Category: Blog Updates

Winner of The Missing Manuscript of Jane Austen Giveaway!!!
I’d like to extend a thank you to Syrie James, Erin Galloway, and the lovely people at Berkley Trade for sending me a review copy and allowing me to host a giveaway for Syrie’s new book The Missing Manuscript of […]

The Pride and Prejudice Bicentenary Challenge 2013!!!
Hosted by Laurel Ann Nattress of Austenprose Pride and Prejudice is celebrating its 200th anniversary!!! Let the festivities and jubilation begin! Laurel Ann, blog mistress of Austenprose is commemorating this event with a yearlong reading challenge called The Pride and Prejudice Bicentenary Challenge. […]

Austenesque Agenda for January 2013
I am very excited for the start of 2013! Are you? I love the feeling of turning over a new leaf, beginning anew, starting new goals…such a fun time of year for an organizational-goal-oriented-geek like me! I hope you all […]