Darcy’s Passions – Regina Jeffers

Darcy’s Passions – Regina Jeffers

Darcy’s Emotional Struggle and Internal Thoughts Rating: 4 out of 5 stars Source: Gift from Mom Why do we read novels about Fitzwilliam Darcy? Are we trying, like Elizabeth Bennet, to make out the illustration of his character? Or are we […]

Austenesque Novel Finds #9

Austenesque Novel Finds #9

Definitely Not Mr. Darcy Author – Karen Doornebos Type of Austenesque Novel – Austen-Inspired, Contemporary Fiction Release Date – September 6, 2011 Pages – 384 Available in – trade paperback Available at – amazon.com and bn.com       from amazon.com: There’s […]

Murder at Mansfield Park – Lynn Shepherd

Murder at Mansfield Park – Lynn Shepherd

Not Really Jane Austen’s Characters, But So Very Clever! Rating: 4 out of 5 stars Source: Purchased Fanny Price? Murdered? Who would do such a thing to poor Fanny? Isn’t she just the Bertram’s shy conscientious, and dutiful niece? No. […]

Summer Reading 2011

Summer Reading 2011

Well, dear readers, school just finished two days ago and I’m now finally able to spend more time reading and working on my little blog!  Sorry, for the infrequency of posts lately, the end of the school year is always […]