Austenesque ARC Giveaway #1!

Austenesque ARC Giveaway #1!

As some of you know, I sometimes accept ARC (Advanced Reader Copies) of books to read and review from various publishing companies and the Amazon Vine Program.  While I am so fortunate to receive these books for free, I’m a […]

A Weekend With Mr. Darcy – Victoria Connelly

A Weekend With Mr. Darcy – Victoria Connelly

An Escape to Jane Austen’s Hampshire Rating: 5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Publisher In this enchanting Austen-Inspired novel, three devoted Janeites travel to a Jane Austen Conference that takes place in Purley Hall, a picturesque and […]

A Wife For Mr. Darcy – Mary Lydon Simonsen

A Wife For Mr. Darcy – Mary Lydon Simonsen

Mr. Darcy Gets By With A Little Help From His Friends Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Publisher There seems to be no limit to the creative imaginings of Mary Lydon Simonsen! This is the fourth […]