Spotlight Saturday – Meg Kerr

Spotlight Saturday – Meg Kerr

Who could have anticipated such an attention as this? I have been so privileged as to be distinguished by Miss Meg Kerr, the esteemed authoress of Experience, who with great condescension has requested that I make a contribution to the […]

Spotlight Saturday – Sara Angelini

Spotlight Saturday – Sara Angelini

Inspiration Overload, Or: Wait, What Was I Doing Again? I often divide my life into two periods: Before Our Own Kids (BOOKs) and After All Advice Against Kids Is Ignored (AAAAK!!).  The division has a direct correlation to my productivity: […]

Spotlight Saturday – Skylar Burris

Spotlight Saturday – Skylar Burris

  In my novel Conviction, I strive to stay true to Jane Austen’s historical time period and characters. But for this blog post, I’m making a frivolous departure from decorum and plopping poor Georgiana Darcy into the midst of the […]

Fun and Games Friday – #2

Fun and Games Friday – #2

Welcome to Austenesque Extravaganza, a month-long celebration of Austenesque novels and authors! My name is Meredith Esparza, and I’m an ardent admirer of Austenesque novels and your host for this month-long tribute to Austenesque novels and authors. Today’s Austenesuqe Event […]