Dear Miss Darcy – Laura Briggs and Sarah Burgess

Dear Miss Darcy – Laura Briggs and Sarah Burgess

Could a Love Advice Columnist Help a Modern-Day Darcy?    Rating: 3 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Author TYPE OF AUSTENESQUE NOVEL: Austen-Inspired, Jane Austen Chick-Lit MAJOR CHARACTERS: Olivia Darcy (a descendant of Elizabeth and Fitzwilliam), Christopher […]

Our Amazing Austenesque Winners!

Our Amazing Austenesque Winners!

Today we are finally announcing ALL the giveaway winners from Austenesque Extravaganza!  YAY!!!!  We hope you enjoyed our fabulous prizes this year!  We had such a blast putting them together and coming up with the names for all of them! […]

Austenesque Agenda for October 2012

Austenesque Agenda for October 2012

And so a new month begins here at Austenesque Reviews!  The fun and festivities of Austenesque Extravaganza have come to an end and I will soon return to my regular posts, reviews, featured authors, giveaways, etc. This month is a […]

Our GREAT BIG Austenesque Thank You!

Our GREAT BIG Austenesque Thank You!

Team Austenesque would like to thank all the generous and kind authors, publishers, and donors for their support and participation in Austenesque Extravaganza this year!  We were just overwhelmed by everyone’s awesome response! We’d like to take one more moment to recognize all the […]