Austenesque Novel Finds #18

Austenesque Novel Finds #18

Jane Austen Goes to Hollywood Author: Abby McDonald Type of Austenesque Novel: Young Adult, Modern Adaptation Release Date: April 23rd, 2013 Pages: 336 Available in: Hardcover and Ebook Available at: Amazon and Barnes and Noble       from goodreads: Abby McDonald gives L.A. the Jane Austen treatment in this […]

Persuaded – Jenni James

Persuaded – Jenni James

A Spectacular Series for Junior Janeites! Rating: 4 out of 5 stars Source: Gift From Mom 🙂 TYPE OF AUSTENESQUE NOVEL: Young Adult, Modern Adaptation TIME FRAME: Present-day MAIN CHARACTERS: Amanda Ellis, Gregory Wentworth, Kylie Russell, Sydney Ellis, Collin Farnsworth […]