Summer Reading 2012

Summer Reading 2012

I just have 5 DAYS left and then I am on SUMMER VACATION!!!  I cannot wait! While I’m not completely work-free (I teach piano lessons year round!) I am greatly looking forward to spending time in the hammock or driving […]

Midnight in Austenland – Shannon Hale

Midnight in Austenland – Shannon Hale

Solving a Mystery or Playing a Romance – Which Would You Choose? Rating: 5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Publisher Even a year after her divorce, Charlotte Kinder still feels inadequate, numb, and culpable. With a cheating […]

Austenland – Shannon Hale

Austenland – Shannon Hale

Will the Reality of Mr. Darcy Live Up to the Fantasy? Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars Source: Purchased Jane Hayes is on a mission to disband, disillusion, and disconnect herself from Mr. Darcy. Poor Jane has suffered through a […]