Ardent Admirer – Katrin

Ardent Admirer – Katrin

Scenes from my Austenesque Shelf Hello! I’m delighted to make your acquaintance, even if it’s only via the computer screen. How did I become a lover of all things Austen? The book I couldn´t resist. It all started from here. […]

The Decatur Book Festival!

The Decatur Book Festival!

In case you haven’t already heard, there is this MAGNIFICENT Indie Book Festival happening August 31st – September 2nd in Decatur, Georgia! The Decatur Book Festival is the LARGEST Independent book festival in the nation Hosts more than 300 authors who […]

Lydia Bennet’s Story – Jane Odiwe

Lydia Bennet’s Story – Jane Odiwe

Wild and Impetuous Lydia Won My Heart! Rating: 5 out of 5 stars Source: Paperbackswap TYPE OF AUSTENESQUE NOVEL: Retelling AND Sequel TIME FRAME: Just before Lydia’s departure to Brighton MAIN CHARACTERS: Lydia Bennet, George Wickham, Harriet Forster, Mr. Darcy, […]