The Winner of The Darcy Cousins Giveaway

The Winner of The Darcy Cousins Giveaway

I would like to say a BIG thank you to Monica Fairview for her wonderful participation in this interview. It was such a pleasure and great honor to have her here once again on Austenesque Reviews! In addition, I would like to thank Danielle at […]

The Winner of the Searching for Pemberley Giveaway

The Winner of the Searching for Pemberley Giveaway

Firstly, I would like to thank Mary Lydon Simonsen for her time, talent, and participation in this interview.  I have greatly enjoyed working with her on this interview and her responses were very entertaining and insightful. Secondly, I would like to […]

The Winner of The Other Mr. Darcy Giveaway

The Winner of The Other Mr. Darcy Giveaway

Firstly, I would like to thank Monica Fairview for her time, talent, and participation in the interview.  I have greatly enjoyed working with her and learning about the creation of The Other Mr. Darcy. Secondly,  I would like thank the lovely people at Sourcebooks for […]