Ardent Austenesque Admirer – Heather

Ardent Austenesque Admirer – Heather

Everyone welcome avid Austenesque reader, Heather!  Heather has been a long-time friend and participant on this blog these past years. 🙂  Like Elizabeth Bennet, Heather has some decided opinions, and I always enjoy hearing what she has to say about the […]

Pride, Prejudice and Cheese Grits – Mary Jane Hathaway

Pride, Prejudice and Cheese Grits – Mary Jane Hathaway

The South is Brimming with History, Hospitality, and High Society! Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy form Author TYPE OF AUSTENESQUE NOVEL: Modern Adaptation, Christian (Inspirational) Fiction SETTING: A small liberal arts university in present-day Mississippi SERIES: […]

Austenesque Top Ten: Summer Reads

Austenesque Top Ten: Summer Reads

I think it time for another Austenesque Top Ten list, don’t you? Now that we are in the middle June and for many of us the summer season is in full swing, I thought it would fun to do make a list […]

Ardent Austenesque Admirer Series!

Ardent Austenesque Admirer Series!

Hello friends!  I’m thinking of starting a new post series…and guess what?  I’m inviting you to take part in it!  (If you want to) 😉 If you were around for Austenesque Extravaganza in 2012, this is similar idea to what […]